- 2005 - Tschudi Mine, Tsumeb, transport of ore to smelterplant with long haulers
- 2006 - Otjihase Weaterhly, various mining activities
- 2008 - 2009 - Matchless copper mine, load and haul ore
- 2009 - Anglo Gold Navachab satellite pit, load and haul
- 2009 - Matchless mine - Otjihase Mine, transport of ore on longhaulers
- 2009 - Ongopolo copper mine, load and haul contract
- 2009 - Trekopje uranium, AREVA, load and haul project
- 2010 - Kombat Mine, open cast mining
- 2010 - Tsumeb West Mine, load and haul contract
- 2011 - 2014 - Navachab main pit push back, load and haul
- 2011 - Tschudi load and haul contract
- 2012 - Purity mangenese, Otjizondu, load and haul project
- 2013 - 2015 - Topstones Mine (Troje) semi precious stone mined, load and haul
- 2014 - 2016 - QKR, Navachab Gold Mine, bulk mining, load and haul
- 2014 - Otjizondu mangenese, load and haul project
- 2015 – 2021 B2Gold, load and haul contract
- 2016 - Scorpion Zinc, mining equipment, load and haul
- 2018 – 2019 – Namdeb, Obib Mine Scalping, Load and Haul Contract
- 2020 – Namdeb, Arriesdrift Mining, Load and Haul
- 2005 - Weatherly mining, Tchudi Drilling
- 2006 - Tschudi Mine Drilling Blasting
- 2009 - 2013 - Navachab production drilling, blast holes
- 2010 - 2014 - Navachab production drilling, pre-splits, blastholes
- 2012 - 2015 - Topstones, drilling of specialised blast holes
- 2015 - 2016 - B2Gold, production drilling
- 2015 - Aveng, road cutting sampling
- 2015 - China state pipeline, blast hole drilling
- 2015 - Karabib Crusher
- 2015 - Otjizondu mangenese, production drilling
- 2015 - Walvis Bay Crusher
- 2015 – 2021 B2Gold, drilling contract
- 2022 - QKR drilling contract
- 2010 - 2011 - Trekopje
- 2011 - 2012 - Okuroso
- 2012 - 2014 - Rundu
- 2015 - Okahandja-Karibib Crusher
- 2015 - Walvis Bay Crusher
- 2016 - Karibib Crusher
- 2016 – 2022 Walvis Bay Crusher
- 2016 – 2018 Windhoek-Okahandja Phase 2 Sub Base Crushing
- 2018 – 2019 Walvis Bay-Swakopmund Phase 1 Sub Base Crushing
- 2020 – 2021 Walvis Bay-Swakopmund Phase 2 Sub Base Crushing
- 2022 - Walvis Bay Crusher
- 2024 -Windhoek-Okahandja Phase 3 Sub Base Crushing
- 2024 -Namdeb Scalping and Screening Contract
- 2015 - 2016 - Windhoek to OkahaKuisebmund Extension 5 and 6 - All Services Including: Water, Sewerage, Sidewalks and Roads
- Building of 10 Earth Dams for the Government (Ministry of Environment)
- Camelthorn Estate, Turn Key Project (Sewerage, Bitumen Roads, Water Reticulation)
- Construction of 8 Earth Dams in the Oshana Region (Ministry of Environment)
- G5 Grinaker JV Okahandja to Otjiwarongo Road Upgrade (Bulk Earthworks Layer-works)
- JV Grinaker and LEWCOR Bulk Earthworks at the Ramatex Project
- JV Grinaker and LEWCOR Eenhana Project: Upgrade to Bitumen Standards (Layer Works and Plant)
- Koe, Aroab, Naute Re-graveling Contracts Roads Auhority
- Kuisebmond Extension 10 - All Services Including: Water, Sewerage, Sidewalks and Roads
- Kuisebmund Surfacing of Roads, Walvis Bay Municipality
- KwaNKomo Housing Project (Kuisebmond Extension 18): Water, Sewerage, Sidewalks and Roads
- Langer Heinrich Uranium Mine, Platforms and Various Civil Works
- Mpungu to Nkrenkuru Labour Based Roads
- Narraville Extension 7 - All Services Including: Water, Sewerage, Sidewalks and Roads
- Navachab Gold Mine, Construction of Workshop, Offices, Wash Bay
- Oshikankgo Weighbridge Upgrade, Civils and Roads Construction
- Scorpion Zinc, Construction of Roads and Platforms
- Sewerage, Water, Electricity in the Hakahana Township (Municipality of Windhoek)
- Surface of Roads in the Havana en Hakahana Townships
- Telecom Fiber Optic Cable Grootfontein to Rundu
- Telecom Fiber Optic Cable Karbib to Okahandja
- Telecom Fiber Optic Cable Oshakati to Ruacana
- Telecom Fiber Optic Cable Otjiwarongo to Tsumeb to Grootfontein
- Telecom Fiber Optic Cable Rundu to Katima Mulilo (Direct Burial)
- Telecom Fiber Optic Cable Tsumeb to Oshakati
- Trekopje Uranium, Access Roads and Platforms
- Trekopje Uranium, Building of Leach Pads Mini and Midi Pads
- Upgrading Opuwa to Kamanjab Bitumen Standard LEWCOR Grinaker Joint Venture
- Walvis Bay Extension 14 - All Services Including: Water, Sewerage, Sidewalks and Roads
- Windhoek to Okahandja Dual Carriageway Upgrade - Section 4A - All Bulk Earthworks and Layerworks up to Lower Subbase
- Windhoek to Okahandja Dual Carriageway Upgrade Aveng (Plant Hire)
- Oranjemund town council rubbish dump project
- Oranjemund Airport upgrade